Software comparison

So how well does i3Soft compare against other software for creating patient services?

Quite well as it turns out!

Medication review Software comparison
Feature i3Soft Medscope MRM mentor MRAssist
Has optional two-factor authentication for even better security.
Minimum purchase
Base cost per review
Best cost per review
Allows PPA online claiming
Mobile friendly
Site designed to be used from any device
Uses AMT and SNOMED-CT for interoperable health records
Evidence-based Decision Support
Provides a community-based support for members
Supports working in groups
Provides a complete cloud-based solution.
Software Integrations
No software integrations
Report formatting is customisable
Uses AHPRA to search for prescribers
*Prices are inclusive of G.S.T

While every care has been taken to verify the accuracy of this information, when comparing products, please visit the other vendors sites to confirm

ƒ Prices are inclusive of G.S.T